
I bought my first camera to take photos of shelter animals in 2015 while volunteering as a dog walker at the Humane Rescue Alliance (formerly the Washington Humane Society) in Washington, DC. One day at the shelter, I met another volunteer who asked me to hold a dog’s leash so she could take a photo of him for the web site and social media to help him get adopted.

Ever since that day, I’ve been taking photos and videos of animals and people. I began my photography and videography education through community classes at Montgomery Community College, Capital Photography Center, Smithsonian Associates, Arlington Independent Media and Docs in Progress to get a foundation for both shooting and editing video.

Over the years, I’ve taken thousands of animal portraits and documentary-style photos. In addition to being a photographer, I am also a videographer who can shoot and edit and help you plan your video, be it short-form for social media or long form for your web site or YouTube channel. I have experience with interviews and sound and have worked in many different locations under many different circumstances, both inside and outside: in a large shelter environment, in a busy medical clinic; in a mobile medical van; large events, one-on-one with people and animals; ride-alongs, and the list goes on. I can set up a backdrop for more studio-style portraits, headshots or interviews, or we can just be outside or in the location of your choice.

If you have project in mind, please reach out. I’m happy to answer any questions, and I’d love to chat about your vision!